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Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Ayurvedic tips to improve sleep patterns, check out

Ayurvedic tips: Modern medicine has solved most of our health-related troubles and has provided remedies for many acute diseases. However, we are well aware of how damaging these can be in the long run. Luckily, we have our own traditional solution with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. Sleeping and today’s youth do not get along very well due to their extremely busy schedule. But research shows how improper sleep can be disastrous in the long run and so we have an Ayurvedic solution.

Modern-day sleeping issues

Proper sleep is a luxury hard to afford for a youth in modern times. Let’s face it, we have the whole world around us to get distracted from. Our day begins with thoughts about striving for a better living and ends with our body trying to put all those thoughts into practice. The remaining time (if any) is taken by our addiction to social media. Consequently, an average person may sleep for a maximum of 5-6 hours a day.

Ayurvedic tips for improved sleeping pattern

Experts suggest a foolproof solution for all our sleeping issues by simply following the traditional approach of Ayurveda. The same was confirmed by Dr. Nitika Kohli as she shared some tips on her Instagram handle. However, the catch is to practice the following regulations in a routine format:

  1. Regulate your sleep timings: As the famous saying goes “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise,” The first step to getting proper sleep is to adjust your time to hit the bed at sunset and the time to rise at sunrise. This can be achieved by setting up your room in a way that creates a night-like environment with dim lights.
  2. Refrain from napping in the afternoon: Often while adjusting to new habits our body becomes uncomfortable and we feel like relaxing at weird times. It is strongly suggested against taking afternoon naps to improve one’s overall sleeping pattern.
  3. Take care of your sleeping posture: According to Ayurveda, it is recommended to sleep facing your left side. This posture is helpful in treating heartaches and digestive problems. It also keeps you from snoring.
  4. Stay away from gadgets: It is suggested that you turn off all your gadgets (especially the ones that emit blue light) before 9 p.m. These can irritate the natural rhythms of the body.
  5. Eat way before you sleep: It is always good to consume your dinner early, ideally 3 hours prior to going to bed. This means strictly avoiding late-night snacks or eating habits.


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