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Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Boost Your Brain Power and Mental Acuity with these 3 Yoga Poses!

Yoga, with its unique combination of physical postures or asanas, breathing control, and meditation methods, has long been acknowledged as a dynamic tool to improve mental acuity and overall health. Experts in this field explain how specific yoga exercises, when performed regularly, can stimulate pressure points in the body and brain, thereby enhancing overall well-being.

Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, a renowned yoga practitioner and founder of Akshar Yoga Institutions, underscores the profound impact of yogic pranayama methods in balancing the brain’s hemispheres and enhancing blood flow, thereby stimulating the growth of the brain’s grey matter, which is pivotal for memory, cognition, and coordination.

1.      Bakasana (Crow Pose) – A Leap Towards Enhanced Brain Power

Bakasana, or the Crow Pose, is a powerful asana to begin with. To perform Bakasana, start in the Samasthithi (equal standing) position. Bend forward and place your palms flat on the floor, fingers directed forward and spread out. Gradually, lift your pelvis, raise your toes, and place your knees under your armpits. Shift your weight onto your arms, lift your feet off the ground, straighten your arms as much as possible, and hold the pose.

2.      Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) – The Highway to Cognitive Abilities

The Sarvangasana, or the Shoulder Stand, is another essential exercise for brain stimulation. Begin by lying down flat on your back, raise your legs, and gradually lift your pelvis and back off the ground. Support your back with your palms, aim to align your body straight from the shoulders to the feet, and hold the posture, focusing your gaze on your feet.

3.      Brahmaand Dhyan: Universe Meditation – A Voyage Towards Mental Agility

Brahmaand Dhyan or Universe Meditation is a visualization technique that can drastically enhance your cognitive capabilities. The practice entails visualizing the expansiveness of the universe during meditation, fostering feelings of love and gratitude. Regular practice of Brahmaand Dhyan can strengthen the mind, enhance memory power, and improve concentration.

Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar emphasizes that regular yoga practitioners experience a boost in creativity, which facilitates the constructive expression of emotions. By creating new habits that encourage the relaxation of body and mind, yoga serves as an unparalleled conduit connecting the mind and body.


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