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Haircare Tips: Want Flawless Hair? Unveil magical properties of Garlic; Read

Haircare Tips: Garlic is a cooking staple in many households around the world. This magical ingredient is put in various Indian and Italian dishes along with many other cuisines. In ancient traditions, this ingredient has magical powers that can boost immunity, cure diseases and more. Moreover, this also has other properties that help with the health of the hair. Applying Garlic can be beneficial but it could also irritate the scalp if you have a sensitive scalp. It contains a lot of nutrients that are beneficial for hair such as zinc, manganese, selenium and calcium. Moreover, it also contains Vitamin and B6. On top of this, it has antiviral and anti-fungal properties.

benefits of Garlic on hair

  • It fights any microbial infections on the scalp with it’s antiviral and anti-fungal properties.
  • Garlic helps with dandruff due to its antifungal properties
  • It helps stimulate blood circulation in that area, leading to hair growth.
  • The sulfur in garlic produces keratin that facilitates hair growth and maintains healthy hair.
  • It contains natural DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) that slows the process of hair loss and treats alopecia
  • It protects hair from sun damage
  • It has a high vitamin C content which produces collagen in the scalp, which is crucial for healthy hair.

How to use Garlic on hair

  • Garlic oil can be made by peeling and making a paste of the garlic cloves. Then roast the paste and add coconut oil to it. Slowly heat the oil for 5 minutes and transfer to a jar. Use this oil by massaging it on the scalp for 20-30 minutes and then wash it off.
  • Garlic shampoo is also a good option which can be made by blending the garlic cloves with a little bit of oil. To this paste, add peppermint oil and olive oil. Blend the mixture again to make it frothy. This can be used up to three times a week.
  • Garlic Hair mask is an option for people who want nourished hair. To garlic past, add any ingredient of your choice, honey, yoghurt or onion paste. This can be applied directly on hair and leave for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off.

Disclaimer – This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Take the methods, and claims mentioned in this article as suggestions only; DNP India does not confirm or refute them. Consult a doctor before implementing any such suggestions/ treatment/medicine/diet.  

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K Navya
K Navyahttp://www.dnpentertainment.in
I'm Navya, a lit graduate and a language enthusiast. In my free time, I read and write about everything Bollywood, movies and lifestyle.
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