Home Lifestyle Health Tips: Skin to scalp, Fenugreek leaves can keep all your cosmetic needs covered

Health Tips: Skin to scalp, Fenugreek leaves can keep all your cosmetic needs covered

Health Tips
Health Tips

Health Tips: The world has become a tough place to fix your spot without maintaining your appearance. There are numerous cosmetic products out there to bring out the best in you, however, it always narrows down to the question of what suits you best. What if we told you that you don’t need to run after those expensive brands to take care of your skin and scalp? Yes, it is true! All you need to do is make use of the fenugreek leaves available in your kitchen.

Health tips to get sparkling skin by using fenugreek leaves

Fenugreek is a spectacular plant with exceptional uses. You must have seen it in different avatars in your kitchen. Its dried leaves also known as ‘Kasuri Methi’ is a popular condiment in Indian kitchens that is used to add amazing flavor to a variety of curries. Its fresh leaves are also used to cook up a vegetarian dish clubbed with diced potato. The leaves are also used in making popular methi parathas. However, apart from these culinary advantages, you wouldn’t have known its amazing benefits for your skin.

If you are someone who is troubled by dark spots, blemishes, acne, etc., no need to look anywhere else, fenugreek seeds can help you get rid of these. Just soak a handful of seeds in water overnight and make a paste in the morning. Apply out on affected areas and voila, you have fresh new skin without any blemishes. It also has moisturizing and anti-ageing properties.

Benefits of fenugreek for scalp

Dandruff is extremely common among youngsters and is difficult to treat. It can cause itchy scalp and irritation. Clubbing the fenugreek paste with curd to form a hair mask can prove to be miraculous for you. Its antifungal and moisturizing properties will help you recover from dandruff. It can also make your dull and boring hair more glossy.

This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Take the methods, and claims mentioned in this article as suggestions only; DNP Entertainment does not confirm or refute them. Consult a doctor before implementing any such suggestions/ treatment/medicine/diet.


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