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Kids Eating Habits: What is Disordered Eating ? Its Symptoms and How to Overcome

Kids Eating Habits: Among kids, disordered eating is more common than you think. If left untreated, it can lead to several complications among children. During the growing ages of a person, utmost care needs to be given in terms of their health. Therefore, it is important to understand what Disordered eating is and how to deal with it. 


Disordered eating and its symptoms

When an individual shows signs of abnormal eating behaviours, it is known as disordered eating. Disordered eating is a less intense version of an eating disorder. While eating Disorders can be severe and needs proper medical treatment, Disordered eating can be regulated and does not have to be diagnosed. The common symptoms of disordered eating include,

  • Being extremely picky when eating. This could include, refusing to eat many types of food based on its texture, smell, or even color.
  • Fasting for long periods of time to lose weight.
  • Binge eating
  • Developing anxiety, or other forms of negative emotions attached to eating
  • Feeling extreme shame or guilt after indulging.
  • Tying out unhealthy diet trends to lose weight.
  • Diligently keeping track of calories to the point it starts having bad mental effects


Disordered eating in children

Children developing disordered eating tendencies can be worrisome. It is because, if the issue is not addressed during their growing years, it can lead to short-term and long-term effects. Additionally, most children find it difficult to pinpoint the exact issue and lack proper communication skills. Therefore, it is crucial to stay mindful of young children going through disordered eating. Common symptoms include Weight-loss, weakness in bones, an unhealthy digestive system, and several heart diseases. There are many ways to help a child to prevent this. Firstly, it is important to understand that there might be an underlying mental issue that triggers this. Hence, providing a comforting environment is crucial. There are family-based treatments that involve all the family members taking conscious actions toward the child’s eating habits. Moreover, proper psychological treatment can help fix this issue, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and so on. Furthermore, consulting a good nutritionist can also help. If severe symptoms of disordered eating are noticed, it is advisable to consult a medical professional immediately. 

This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Take the methods, and claims mentioned in this article as suggestions only; DNP Entertainment does not confirm or refute them. Consult a doctor before implementing any such suggestions/ treatment/medicine/diet.


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