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Hidden Strike Misses The Mark: A Disappointing Combination of Cena and Chan

Hidden Strike Movie Review: The latest actioncomedy spectacle, “Hidden Strike,” presents a dry desert landscape packed with oddities that evoke more bemusement than laughter. It parades two ex-special forces soldiers, Luo Feng (Jackie Chan) and Chris Van Horne (John Cena), on an unconvincing mission against vaguely developed adversaries on the notorious ‘Highway of Death’ in Baghdad. Regrettably, the setting, which is supposed to provide a dramatic backdrop, instead takes the form of a cartoonishly artificial desert, severely undermining the film’s credibility.

A Failed Attempt at Buddy Comedy

The fusion of slapstick comedy and action, a formula that worked successfully in previous Jackie Chan flicks like the “Rush Hour” series, fails to strike the right chord in “Hidden Strike.” The supposed camaraderie between Cena and Chan feels artificial and unconvincing, with the film’s humorous scenes falling flat. The action sequences, lacking any real substance, seem to be nothing more than a poorly executed checklist, failing to create an atmosphere of thrill or excitement.

Lacklustre Presentation and Hollow Action

“Hidden Strike” struggles to hit its stride due to a mishmash of lacklustre presentation and a structurally flawed narrative. It takes nearly an hour for the lead characters to converge, the film’s supposed focal point, making the build-up feel like a tedious filler. The action sequences, crucial to any action-comedy, lack a sense of authenticity, making the deadly encounters feel more like an awkward game than a nail-biting action sequence.

The Final Verdict: A Missed Opportunity

“Hidden Strike” underperforms, failing to leverage the star power of John Cena and Jackie Chan. It loses itself in a CGI desert wasteland, struggling to offer a coherent, engaging narrative. A meandering plot, combined with poor special effects, makes the film feel like an unending fever dream. Despite moments of decent action choreography and Jackie Chan’s stunts, “Hidden Strike” offers little else in terms of innovative storytelling or engaging content. A promising premise is left unfulfilled, leaving the audience pondering: if a lacklustre film is released on streaming platforms and no one watches, does it make a sound?



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