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New Delhi
Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Fright Takes Centre Stage: Real Leopards Stalk TV Sets at Mumbai’s Film City

TV News: Mumbai‘s renowned Film City is facing an unprecedented situation. Wild animals, particularly leopards, have started to make surprise visits to the sets. An actress even reported seeing a leopard and its cub last week during the shooting of a Marathi TV serial. This alarming occurrence is not a one-off; similar instances have been reported in the recent past, adding a shiver of fear to the bustling film sets.

From Makeup Artist to Marathi Serial: No One is Spared

The fear among the crew is palpable, as these unexpected encounters have started to impinge on their safety. Reports of a makeup artist being attacked by a leopard and dogs being killed have only added to the rising panic. BN Tiwari, President of the Federation of Western Indian Cine Employees, highlights the urgent need for the management to step up and tackle this critical issue.

Producers’ Perspective: An Environmental Crisis Amid Monsoons

The producers of these shows also express their concerns. They are not just worried about the safety of their crew but also for the animals. The ongoing monsoon season is exacerbating the issue. As humans encroach upon their territories, these animals find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place. The Film City management is being urged to adopt a proactive approach, join hands with animal conservation experts, and develop a robust solution to this complex problem.

An Eye Towards the Future: Preventive Measures and Protocols

While the situation is dire, there are proposed plans of action. Calls are being made for increased security measures and efficient safety protocols to protect both the crew and the wildlife. Fencing, proper locking of the sets, and regular surveillance are among the suggested measures. There’s a strong belief that the only way forward is to respect and protect the wild animals’ habitats while ensuring safety for those who work on the sets.

From the forests that border Film City to the sets where magic is created, an unexpected drama unfolds. As fear takes centre stage, the urgency to write a new script – one where man and nature coexist in harmony – has never been more pressing.


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