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Author: Ishi Munassi Dass Date: 05/12/2023

10 steps to end a toxic relationship peacefully


A toxic relationship can wreak havok in your life. The first step of getting out is to identify it. If your partner prevents you from growing in life they are toxic for you. They can even be controlling most of the times. It doesn't necessarily have to be violent all the time to be termed toxic.

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Once you've identified your relationship as toxic, the next step is to confront your partner. Show them the mirror and let them know you are hurting. Give them a chance to ponder and rectify.

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If talking isn't solving anything, try getting professional couple's therapy. Their might still be a chance to fix things professionally.  

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It is better to to break apart if things are not working out rather than suffocating yourselves. This decision can be made independently or even by seeking help from legal authorities.

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Separation can be extremely draining initially. Make sure you are not alone most of the time. Stay connected to people who care for you and want the best for you.

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Ending a relationship is never easy. You can feel the urge of going back even after months and years. Make sure you don't! Practice restraint by meeting new people and taking your mind off the past.

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Depression after a breakup can be really nasty. Surround yourself with positive energy to avoid it at all cost. Channelise your energy by investing your time in building yourself. 

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Remember that you are complete by yourself. Learn to love yourself. You are special and just a detour caused you to lose your courage. Get back up on your feet and do all that makes you happy.

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Thinking can take you to a place you don't want to be at. Keep your mind distracted to avoid anything disturbing your mind palace. Listen to good uplifting music, watch life praising movies, etc.

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Peace is always round the corner, freely available to take. All you need to do is grab it. Explore your interests and focus on the things you like to do. It could be a hobby or a profession. 

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