Best Exercises to Develope Top Class Abs 

Author: Dnpnewsdesk Date: 24/10/2023

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Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers is a dynamic exercise that engages your core, shoulders, and legs

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Plank Hold

A plank hold is a static core exercise where you maintain a straight position on your forearms and toes

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Rusian Twist

Russian twists involve sitting, lifting your feet, and twisting your torso left and right

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Leg Raises

Lie on your back, lift your straight legs, and lower them to work your lower abs

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Side Plank

Support your body on one forearm and foot, keeping a straight line, to engage obliques and core

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Bird Dog

On hands and knees, extend opposite arm and leg, engaging core for balance

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Lying on your back, curl your upper body off the ground to engage and strengthen your abdominal muscles

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Bicycle Crunches

Lying on your back, twist and bring your elbow toward the opposite knee while extending the other leg out

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