Sajal Ali's Fitness And Diet Plan

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Sajal Ali : 

Sajal Ali is an Pakistani actress, Better Known for her role in the Movie with Sridevi (MOM). 

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Workout & Routine 

Sajal Ali Claimed that she is not a Gym Freak, but she follows a strict and regular workout.

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Strength Training 

Sajal Ali Revealed that She does push ups for Strengthening her upper body. 

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No Junk Food 

Sajal Ali Likes to eat healthy food and she Avoids eating Junk food. 

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Sajal Ali Starts her day with a light Breakfast of Eggs and Brown Bread. 

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For Lunch Sajal Ali prefers home-cooked food like chapati and some veggies.

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Sajal Ali Likes to Eat Boiled or Grilled Chicken And she likes to keep her Dinner light.

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Vitamin D is the Key 

Sajal Ali Likes to Get some Vitamin D by Soaking Sunlight and Enjoying Outdoors.

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