Top 8 Exercises to Build Biceps

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Author: K Navya 16/10/23

Barbell Cheat Curls

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Lift the barbell upto your chest with a momentum, maintaining a straight back. Then slowly bring it back to the starting position

Barbell Drag Curls

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Lift the barbell up with elbows behind your upper body, to the lower rib cage. Then slowly bring it down to the original position

Weighted Chin-ups

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Hold onto the bar and lift yourself up using your arms till the chin crosses the bar. Use weights on the left for extra impact

Banded Dumbbell Curls

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Do regular dumbbell curls but use a resistance band to build impact

Dumbbell Incline Curls

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In an inclined position, lift the dumbbells till the chest and repeat

Reverse Machine Flys

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Using your arms, bring the machine to the sides, stretching your arm a little behind the sides

Overhead Machine Press

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The bars should be till your ears and slowly lift up and down the bars.